First Steps to Fitness is my online course. I have been working on it for about 18 months now, and it’s ready to fly free in the big wide world.
Ever since qualifying as a PT I have wanted to support inactive women (as depicted in the left picture above) who are feeling generally meh about life: low in confidence, sluggish, lacking energy, maybe bigger than they want to be, to feel awesome. A lot of beginner fitness programmes start at an hour, or 25 squats and 12 burpees, and so on. When actually, there are plenty of people for whom that is WAY too much.
And it doesn’t matter why that is too much. It might be simply that your life has been very sedentary for a long time, and it might also be that you have had fatigue issues, and are now ready to start slowly moving more. Either way, if the prospect of mainstream fitness terrifies you then read on…
So what do you get in First Steps? Well, for now let’s just talk about the standard version. There is also a deluxe and a VIP iteration, and they have extra awesomeness on top of the already awesome basic course!
First up you get lifetime access to the course. No time limit to complete it, you can go back to any modules you want to repeat any time you want to.
So what is covered? Well, the modules cover mindset, body confidence, overcoming barriers (or are they excuses?!), relationship with food, how to use everyday items as fitness equipment, and how to identify the sort of exercise or activity that is right for YOU, so that you’ll keep at it and actually enjoy it.
What else do you get? Each module has worksheets for you to complete, to help you identify key issues and work through them.
There is also a bank of short exercise videos that you can download and do at home whenever you want.
And you get peer support in a dedicated Facebook group.
The beauty of it is that there is no minimum fitness level to be able to start. You don’t need a gym membership, or hours of time.
Interested? Want to know more? Here’s the full blurb and how to sign up.
For support, hints and tips, sign up to my mailing list or head over to my Embracing Fitness community Facebook group.